New Look for Provence!

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve already seen these beauties – a new swirl style for Provence that I think you’ll love!


In case your memory fails you, here’s what it used to look like:

IMG_8407In fact, it used to be much more labor-intensive to product Provence, which meant we couldn’t restock it quite as often as we wanted.

Here are a few more fun behind-the-scenes images from our recent restock:


cutting a log of Yuzu into bars


4 batches of soap, ready to be wrapped!

2015-01-31 09.56.46

that light center will eventually turn dark, like the border

2015-03-17 15.18.14

Yuzu bars ready to be shrinkwrapped


the first step to shrinkwrapping soap is to give each little bar its own label & bag!

Keep an eye on our Instagram to see future restocking adventures – and buy these new lovely bars of Provence, Yuzu, Oakmoss and Morning Mojito on the website. Don’t forget – there are always a limited number of bars available!

2 thoughts on “New Look for Provence!

  1. Ruth:

    I am so glad that you shared this with us. I do want to mention that I LOOVE the look of the Provence soaps. I am glad that you are moving forward on your replenishment process.

    We also make a few soaps ourselves too and can really appreciate your work.


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